速報APP / 生產應用 / Retina Capture airtime recharge top up s

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up s





版本需求:Android 3.2 - 7.1.1




Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖1)-速報App

Use your camera to Scan Image/picture & recognize the characters and numbers on the Image/picture

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖2)-速報App

Base Functions;

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖3)-速報App

1. Scan and OCR Airtime voucher PIN and Top up automatically and/or save the PIN and voucher Image snapshot for future use,

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖4)-速報App

2. No need or have to remember USSD code and type on dial pad every time to use operator network such as;

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖5)-速報App

2.1 Request airtime balance,

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖6)-速報App

2.2 Share/Transfer airtime to another mobile line/number,

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖7)-速報App

2.3 Top up another line / friend,

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖8)-速報App

2.4. Buy internet bundle,

Retina Capture airtime recharge top up scan vouch*(圖9)-速報App

3. Scan and OCR Business card, save and export it to phone contact list automatically,

4. Scan 1D bar codes with all bar code format and learn understand their different formats,

5. Scan and OCR Long numbers

This App especially targeted for African countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda pre-paid scratch mobile airtime voucher users.